The Soda Pop
Airtel Tanzania Free Browsing Trick
Want to surf more for less Tshs? Well below is the solution.

To be able to use this trick, first you must do or have the following:

1.Your mobile phone has to be java enabled and configured with the internet from Airtel (Zain)
If not, click on the link below:
>>Set here

2.Download OM AG 2011.jar or OM AG Beta.jar and insert the following when opening it:
Custom HTTP Server:

Custom Socket Server:

Front Query: [Optional]
( you may also leave it blank)
Do not change any of the above parameter, just insert them as they're written for the best results.

Press OK to start the application. And every time you launch it the same pop-up window always appear, for this don't worry just press OK.

From here now enjoy more surfing for less TZS!